Tag Archives: Wood White

A white butterfly with light grey markings on a pink flower

Wood White. Photo: Donald Simcock

Two white butterflies with light grey markings on some green foliage

Wood White. Photo: Donald Simcock

Two photos from Donald both taken on 23/05/2024 and sent in telling us:

We have had a few days away camping at Uplyme and walking into Lyme Regis everyday.  We weren’t looking for butterflies and I hadn’t taken the right camera lens for them but we did see 6 Wood Whites. The first ones behind the sea defences in the flowery scrub on the East cliff. Then more up some steps that led to the car park and coast path. They are a dainty butterfly with a slow wing beat and very shy – as soon as I started watching them they stopped flying and headed for cover.  However, they weren’t easily spooked as I got closer and closer to photograph them.

A White butterfly with light grey markings

Wood White. Photo: Mike Kirby

Two White butterflies with light grey markings

Wood Whites. Photo: Mike Kirby

Mike sent in these two photos today, 21/05/2024 telling us:

Plenty of Wood Whites showing at Lyme Regis at present.  Their courtship display is amazing to watch. The male (on the left in my photo) will extend his proboscis and do a little swaying dance in front of the female. Males can be identified by the patch of white scales on the underside of the antenna.

A white butterfly with greyish markings on a green leaf

Wood White. Photo: John Woodruff

John sent in this photo telling us:

An early morning visit to Lyme Regis this morning, 28/05/2023 was rewarded with several Wood Whites on the wing before the sun became overpowering by mid morning. I was very pleased to have some really good encounters as this is the last resident Dorset butterfly left for me to see, making my long journey from Blandford worthwhile.

A white butterfly with greyish markings

Wood White. Photo: Mark Larcombe

Mark has just sent in this photo of a Wood White he saw in Lyme Regis earlier today, 17/05/2023.

The Wood White is our rarest resident white butterfly and this is the first photo of one sent in for our Dorset BC photo Gallery this year.

A white butterfly with greyish markings on a dark pink flower

Wood White. Photo: Shona Refoy

Two white butterflies with greyish markings on a brown leaf

Wood Whites. Photo: Shona Refoy

Two photos from Shona sent with the following comments about her recent encounter with Wood Whites:

I went to East Cliff at Lyme Regis on 21/07/202 hoping to see my first ever second brood Wood White males, which I did!

The first photo is of a male tucking into some Red Valerian, which clearly shows his abdomen.

The second photo is of a male (left) courting a female by waving his proboscis and antennae around her.  I saw this behaviour several times while I was there, but the females weren’t interested, so the butterflies went their separate ways.

A white butterfly with greyish markings on a purple flower

Wood White. Photo: Mike Kirby

An orange and brown butterfly on a white flower

Meadow Brown. Photo: Mike Kirby

Two photos from Mike sent in telling us:

It was lovely to see the Wood Whites out at Lyme Regis (footpath from cliff car park) on Monday. 06/06/2022.  A scarce butterfly, beautiful and delicate, they’re always a delight to see. This one is on Bithynian Vetch which I understand is also scarce.  Also attached is a photo of my first Meadow Brown of the year, seen along the River Lim footpath.

A white butterfly with some blackish grey markings on a green leafs pwerched on

Wood White. Photo: Gary Holderness

A white butterfly with blackish grey markings on a magenta coloured flower

Wood White. Photo: Gary Holderness

Two photos from Gary both taken on 27/05/2022 and sent in telling us:

I finally made the long journey from East Dorset to West Dorset – Lyme Regis to be exact, to see Wood White butterfly for the first time which was fantastic to see. Plenty of other butterflies on show to see as well including Common Blues.

A white butterfly with pale grey markings nectaring on a purple flower

Wood White. Photo: Shona Refoy

Shona sent in this photo telling us:

I spent about five minutes watching this Wood White nectaring on Tuesday, 17/05/2022 which was a real treat.  She was in the meadow area of The Spittles at Lyme Regis, so easy to photograph. Several times her abdomen appeared as in the photo – presumably to help her balance (it was quite breezy) – and showing that she is definitely female.