Tag Archives: Martin

A brown butterfly with a bluish sheen, orange markings and white fringe to the wings

Brown Argus. Photo: Andy Martin

A brown and orange butterfly with black markings on a white flower

Small Copper. Photo: Andy Martin

Two photos from Andy sent in with the following comments:

On Saturday, 04/05/2024  I visited one of my favourite local sites at Ulwell near Swanage hoping to see my first Small Copper of the year. It was not long before one appeared with a second after a short while. I was further rewarded with my first sighting of a freshly emerged Brown Argus with a beautiful bluish sheen. Maybe Spring has arrived at last.

Red-tipped Clearwing. Photo: Andrew Martin

Red-tipped Clearwing. Photo: Andrew Martin

Andy was rather surprised to find  this Red-tipped clearwing moth on the rear window of his car parked at his home in Poole on 22/06/23.

Lures are often used to attract males, otherwise not an easily found moth.

One generation, late May -early August, with a peak emergence in mid June.

An orange butterfly with black markings on a pink flower

Small Copper. Photo: Andy Martin

An orange butterfly with black markings on a pink flower

Small Copper. Photo: Andy Martin

Two photos from Andy sent in with the following comments:

A walk along Southbourne seafront today, 07/04/2023 produced my first Small Copper sightings of the year. A total of 6 were seen and some appeared to have been on the wing a few days. 

Editor’s Note:  Yesterday, 07/04/2023 seems to have been a good day for sightings and photos of Small Coppers – this is just the first of three separate postings with photos of them and two more will follow shortly.

A pale yellow and whitish butterfly on a white flower

Clouded Yellow f. helice. Photo: Andy Martin

Andy sent in this photo taken 04/11/2022 telling us:

After the recent bad weather I took advantage of a sunny day to walk along Southbourne Undercliff and saw 4 Clouded Yellow on the wing including a close view of this lovely helice form.

Around 10% of female Clouded Yellows are of this pale variety, f. helice, their colour ranging from a soft yellow-lemon to white.

Lime Hawkmoth Caterpillar. Photo: Andy Martin

Andy saw this Lime Hawkmoth caterpillar in his Poole garden on 21/07/22 and a couple of days later he noticed another, sporting green livery as he put it. The previous post shows a photo of a green stage of this impressive caterpillar which George McCabe sent in.

A brown butterfly with orange markings and white fringe to the wings on a green plant stem

Brown Argus. Photo: Andy Martin

A resting brown and orange butterfly with some lighter colour markings

Small Heath. Photo: Andy Martin

Andy has just sent in these two photos telling us:

Just had my first sightings of Brown Argus and Small Heath at Ulwell this afternoon. 26/04/2022.  The settled April weather is certainly having a positive effect on butterfly emergence locally. 

Editor’s Note: The first sighting of a Small Heath reported to Dorset BC in 2021 was on the same day that this one was seen, namely 26th April so this could be the first one of these reported to Dorset BC this year.  However the first sighting of a Brown Argus reported to Dorset BC this year was a few days ago on 23rd April 2022 at Ulwell Water Works – last year the first one reported to Dorset BC was on 26th April, the same day that this one was seen.

An orange butterfly with black, white,and blue markings on some green leaves

Large Tortoiseshell. Photo: Andy Martin

An orange butterfly with black, white and blue markings perching on the top of a tree.

Large Tortoiseshell. Photo: Andy Martin

Andy has just sent in these two photos he took today,17/04/2022 telling us:

A lovely Easter Sunday surprise as this morning I came across a Large Tortoiseshell at Ulwell. First seen perched high in a tree but then descended to give excellent views – what a treat. Sighting reported via app and to Dorset BC website.