Tag Archives: calendar

Superb Dorset Butterfly and Moth Calendar for sale (limited quantity)

January update – reduced to £4.00

This large calendar features a full colour photograph of a butterfly or moth for each month of the year, all taken by our members, and has space below to note your appointments for the month. It is A3 in size i.e. 29.7cm x 42cm (11.8″ x 16.8″)

Limited quantity – order quickly so you can have these gorgeous pictures brightening up your home next year.

Calendar - October

Calendar – October

We have been able to produce these calendars for sale at no cost to ourselves, by partnering with Marquee Print of Bournemouth, who produce a calendar each year to send to their customers.

They invited Dorset Branch of Butterfly Conservation to collaborate with them for their 2014 calendar, the theme of which is Dorset Butterflies and Moths. Information about Butterfly Conservation is also included, so this is a great marketing opportunity for us.

They have donated us 50 copies to help raise funds for the Branch

See all the calendar pages.

Calendar - March

Calendar – March

We are offering the last few calendars at £4.00 + £3.50 p&p (inc VAT) each.

Contact Jane Smith to reserve a copy by email if possible at [email protected] or by telephone on 01935 814029.

Please send a cheque for £7.50 made payable to ‘Butterfly Conservation Dorset Branch’ to Jane Smith at 32 Kings Road, Sherborne, Dorset, DT9 4HU, on receipt of which she will post the calendar to you.