Durlston benefits from a combination of geography, geology, history and careful management which has created a mosaic of nationally important wildlife habitats: sea-cliffs, downs, ancient meadows, hedgerows, woodland even dry-stone walls each with their characteristic plants and animals. 35 species of butterfly have been seen here.
For more info visit: Official Durlston websiteHabitat and features
Limestone downland, scrub shelter, woodland, dry-stone walls, rocky shores and partly wooded cliffs.
What to see
Oak Rustic, Oleander Hawk Moth, Six-spot Burnet, Elephant Hawk Moth, Beautiful Gothic, Grass Eggar, Yellow Belle, Mother Shipton, Silver Y
Other species
Swallow, Sand Martin, Yellowhammer, Linnet, Skylark, Bottlenose dolphins
Photo gallery
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Dorset County Council