There seems to be an influx of Painted Ladies happening, more to the south-east of England, but some are reaching Dorset. Continue reading
Painted Ladies coming to Dorset?

Dorset butterfly updates
There seems to be an influx of Painted Ladies happening, more to the south-east of England, but some are reaching Dorset. Continue reading
As we now seem to have the Large Tortoiseshell living in Dorset, at least for now, we need to work out how to tell it apart from the Small Tortoiseshell. Continue reading
Adrian Flynn has reported a Long-tailed Blue to us, complete with photos. This is only the 10th Dorset record since 2010. Continue reading
Butterfly numbers still appear to be well up on last year. Continue reading
Kathy Henderson has been keeping a watchful eye on some of the Marsh Fritillary larval webson the Butterfly Conservation Reserve at Alners Gorse
Dave Law went looking for some Marsh Fritillary nests – and found them! Continue reading
Roger Hewitt tells us:
Myself and my friend Bruce turned up at Portland Observatory on the morning of Tuesday 25th September Continue reading
We have had two reports of Large Tortoiseshells this year. This is a butterfly which, though common in Southern England in Victorian times, is now thought to be extinct in the UK. Continue reading
With the recent snow, it’s a bit difficult to believe in sunshine or butterflies, but they will turn up. This website has so far had four species reported Continue reading
Keep your eye out for the Humming-bird Hawk-moth, which looks like a tiny humming bird.