Category Archives: Recording

Four White Holes to fill with only 29 days left

A red, black and brown butterfly with some white markings on a green leaf
Red Admiral (not the one seen in November). Photo: Sue East

As we said in an earlier article, we are trying to beat our previous record of filling 2609 (89.5%) of the kilometre squares in Dorset with at least one butterfly record.

As of now (1 December) we are up to 2,606: just 4 squares short of beating our record. Continue reading

Over 5 million records of butterflies in Dorset!

View of an orange and black butterfly with its wings open
Small Pearl-bordered Fritillary. Photo: Brian Arnold.

We are working on bringing you the full 2020 Butterfly Report, which has sent us trawling through our database of butterfly records. The number of butterflies counted from the mid 1990s to May 2021 is 5,608,000, Continue reading

Last year of current recording cycle

Green butterfly on a bramble leaf
Green Hairstreak on a bramble leaf, showing how small it is. Photo: Shona Refoy

The butterfly season is very much underway now, with 20 species reported to this website, including the Green Hairstreak and Dingy and Grizzled Skippers, but we need lots more records throughout 2019 as Continue reading