Author Archives: John East

A yellow butterfly with some black and brown markings on a pinkish flower

Clouded Yellow. Photo: Gary Holderness

Gary sent in this photo telling us:

I’ve just seen Mike Kirby’s picture of a Clouded Yellow down at Southbourne today, 17/09/2024.  I was also at Southbourne Beach today up the eastern end and I also spotted and photographed a Clouded Yellow, clearly different from Mike’s photo. So at least we know there are two! 

A yellow butterfly with some black and brown markings on a pink flower

Clouded Yellow. Photo: Gary Whincup

After waiting patiently for a photo of a Clouded Yellow for the Gallery this year, two of them were sent in to us this afternoon, 17/09/2024.  This one was sent in by Tracy and it was also taken at Southbourne undercliff (by her husband Gary).  Let us hope we see some more of them in the days ahead.

A yellow butterfly with some black and brown markings on a pink flower

Clouded Yellow. Photo: Mike Kirby

An orange and brown butterfly with black markings on a pink flower

Small Copper. Photo: Mike Kirby

Two photos from Mike including the first Clouded Yellow for the Gallery this year sent in telling us:

With such glorious weather it was clear that butterflies were likely to be out in force today, 17/09/2024. 

I set my sights on finding a Clouded Yellow, which had eluded me so far this year and walked the undercliff from Southbourne Beach up to the lift, then back, partly along the top and then back down by the beach again. 

This area normally produces Clouded Yellows for me at this time of year, but I had nothing much on Sunday along the same route. Today the area was alive with butterflies – the whites (both Large & Small) must have numbered in the thousands. They were everywhere I looked, often spiralling up into the air in groups of up to 7 at a time. In addition, I saw quite a few Red Admirals & Painted Ladies, 4 Small Coppers and a Common Blue. 

I had almost finished my walk when one lone Clouded Yellow flew over me. It headed up the cliff, but later came down and settled right by the path for me. So pleasing to have my efforts rewarded – and aren’t they stunning!

An orange and brown butterfly with some black markings on a yellow flower

Small Copper. Photo: Ann Barlow

An orange and brown butterfly with some yellow and black markings on the fruit of a blackberry

Comma. Photo: Ann Barlow

Ann sent in these two photos telling us:

Saw these on 14/09/2024 at St Hubert’s churchyard, Corfe Mullen.  The Small Copper was only the second one I have seen this year.  I always love seeing Commas on the blackberries in September but there was only one of them this time. 

A white butterfly with some black markings on a pink flower

Large White. Photo: Shona Refoy

Shona sent in this photo telling us:

I went for a walk from Worth Matravers today, 13/09/2024 and one of the first butterflies I saw in the village was this male Large White. He looked quite stunning in the sunshine, with deep shade behind him.

A white butterfly with some black markings on a yellow flower

Small White. Photo: Brian Arnold

A white butterfly with some black markings on a yellow flower

Green-veined White. Photo: Brian Arnold

Brian set in these photos of two often confused species with the following comments: 

On 09/09/2024 we saw all 3 of the so-called “Cabbage Whites” in our garden at Harman’s Cross – Large White, Small White and Green-veined White. These 2 photos show just how similar the Small White (top photo) and Green-veined White (bottom photo) can look when the sun is not shining through their wings.  The veins on the Green-veined White show up far more when the sun is shining through from the underside.

An orange and brown butterfly with black markings on some green and brown vegetation

Small Copper ab. caeruleopunctata. Photo: Brian Arnold

An orange and brown butterfly with black markings on a yellow flower

Small Copper. Photo: Brian Arnold

Two photos from Brian sent in telling us:

After 4 days of almost continuous rain, butterflies have returned to our garden at Harman’s Cross. Today, 09/06/2024 we saw 6 species in our garden –  Red Admiral, Meadow Brown, Small Copper, Green-veined White, Small White and Large White.  The top photo of the Small Copper shows blue spots on the rear wings making it the ab. caeruleopunctata.

An orange butterfly with black, white, yellow and blue markings on a pink flower

Small Tortoiseshell. Photo: Sue East

A brown coloured moth with some paler markings on a yellow flower

Silver Y Moth. Photo: Sue East

Two photos from Sue sent in telling us:

Amazing the difference 24 hours and a bit of warm sunshine can make. Today, 09/09/2024 in our Hinton St Mary garden after all the wind and rain of recent days we have seen 3 Small Tortoiseshells, numerous Small, Large and Green-vein Whites, a Comma, 3 Red Admirals and this Silver Y moth.