Butterfly Calendar for 2024

Image of front cover of calendar, which is green with a picture of an orange butterfly.

We have a beautiful 2024 calendar for sale, featuring stunning photos of butterflies for only £10 including postage. The photos are all taken by either Mark Pike or the late Ken Dolbear, so you are guaranteed a great selection of shots!

The money will go towards our work to help the butterflies and moths of Dorset.

To order your calendar(s):

  • Email Steve Brown at [email protected] with your order and at the same time transfer £10 for each calendar by BACS to the following account, putting DORSETCAL in the reference line – this is essential or the money will not come to the Branch.

Account Name: Butterfly Conservation

Sort Code: 60.22.45

Account Number: 72032332

The calendar will be posted to you, though if you would like more than two, it might be possible to deliver them.

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