A golden brown butterfly with some black markings nectaring on a pink flower

Essex Skipper. Photo: Brian Arnold

An orange butterfly with black markings resting on a yellow hosepipe

Comma. Photo: Brian Arnold

A couple of photos from Brian sent in telling us:

I took this photo of an Essex Skipper at our house in Harman’s Cross on 17/07/2022 but have only just looked at the photo in detail. Its proboscis looks very long in this photo and can obviously reach a long way down to find nectar. It is on our Marjoram which is also attracting lots of other butterflies.

You may also remember from a year or two ago that we used to find a Comma on our yellow hosepipe, usually at about 4pm in the afternoon. This one was in our garden at 5pm today, 19/07/2022 and has obviously learnt from its predecessors how to “Pose on a Hose”.

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