Big Butterfly Hike: Update

Celebrations with friends and colleagues

A huge congratulations to Butterfly Conservation’s Dr Martin Warren who has completed his Big Butterfly Hike, walking over 105 miles to save 3 threatened species: the Wood White, Duke of Burgundy and the High Brown Fritillary.

It took Martin 7 days to complete the Hike along the Jurassic coastline, stretching across Devon and Dorset during which he spotted 30 species of butterfly on 124 Big Butterfly Counts – the equivalent to 31 hours solid recording!

Martin's Hike

Sponsor Martin’s Hike!

As Martin entered the final leg of his journey, he entered Durlston Country Park, a site well known to many of you and a wonderful place for wildlife, particularly butterflies and moths! He then descended to Swanage in the last mile where Martin was greeted by several Butterfly Conservation (BC) colleagues who were waiting patiently at the finish line.

Passing through the tape, the adventure was over but BC Vice President, Swanage resident and overall butterfly enthusiast, Thelma Barlowe, of Coronation Street and Dinner Ladies fame had a final surprise for Martin. Thelma had launched his last walk ten years ago, so it was fitting for her to conclude this one a decade later, presenting a cheque for over £11,300!

There is still time to Sponsor Martin by donating via the websiteBig Butterfly Hikecalling 01929 406015 to donate by phone, or texting ‘HIKE15 £5’ to 70070.

All the money raised during the Big Butterfly Hike will go towards saving the Wood White, Duke of Burgundy and High Brown Fritillary – some of the rarest in the UK – which are in desperate need of help.

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